C (244/254)

From:Alastair M. Robinson
Date:02 Apr 00 at 00:36:46
Subject:WBStartup messages

Hi Bart,

> One of the largest problems I'm having is the lack of any Workbench
> support in VBCC's startup code (or at least I couldn't see any).

If you're linking with the standard startup.o (i.e. not minstart.o), the
startup code gets the workbench startup message for you, and stores
it in a global variable called WBenchMsg. As you say, there's no separate
wbmain() entry, so instead you have to check WBenchMsg in main().

> Because my project ideally should be run from Workbench, it uses
> tooltypes to get options. However, I can't figure out how to even get
> the WBStartup message to open the icon. SAS/C uses argc and argv, Storm
> uses wbmain()...

Your best bet is to do something like this:

extern struct WBStartup *WBenchMsg;

int main()
if(WBenchMsg) /* This will be NULL if we started from shell */
/* Get icon and do ToolTypes stuff */
/* use ReadArgs (or use GetProgramName()/Dir() to fetch the icon,
and use ToolTypes again.) */

All the best,

Alastair M. Robinson, email:blackfive@fakenhamweb.co.uk
Amiga 4000/030, 18Meg RAM, 4.3Gig HD, Mustek ScanExpress 6000SP
C, Assembler (68k, PIC16C84, ATMEL AVR), PostScript,
ARexx, AMOSPro(!), AmigaDOS

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